The Prisoner

A celebration of the 50th anniversary of The Prisoner, 1967-2017. Chapters will be added as they’re posted on the main blog.

Chapter 1: Danger Man: “Koroshi”/”Shinda Shima”

Chapter 2: “Arrival”  Introduction | Synopsis | Observations | 6 of 1… | The Villagers | The Village | Fisticuffs | Win or Lose? | Methodology | Numerology | Propaganda | Sequence | Quotes

Chapter 3: “Free for All” – Synopsis | Observations | Villagers | The Village | Sequence | The Warders | Be Seeing You | Rover | Win or Lose? | Fisticuffs | Propaganda | Quotes

Chapter 4: “Checkmate” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | The Villagers | The Warders | The Butler | Rover | Fisticuffs | Methodology | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 5: “Dance of the Dead” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | The Village | Propaganda | The Black Cat | Methodology | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 6: “The Chimes of Big Ben” – Synopsis | Observations | Numerology | Sequence | The Village | Methodology | The Supervisor | Rover | Alternate “Chimes” | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 7: “The Schizoid Man” – Synopsis | Observations | Methodology | The Village | Rover | Fisticuffs | Sequence | 6 of 1… | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 8: “Many Happy Returns” – Synopsis | Observations | 6 of 1… | Sequence | The Outside World | KAR 120C | Methodology | Fisticuffs | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 9: “The General” – Synopsis | Observations | Propaganda | The Warders | The Villagers | The Village | Methodology | Sequence | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 10: “A. B. and C.” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | The Outside World | Fisticuffs | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 11: Unfilmed Stories – The Outsider | Friend or Foe | Don’t Get Yourself Killed

Chapter 12: “Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | Fisticuffs | Methodology | The Outside World | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 13: “It’s Your Funeral” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | 6 of 1… | Kosho | Numerology | Warders | Villagers | Fisticuffs | Methodology | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 14: “Living in Harmony” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | Methodology | Albert Elms | The Warders | Fisticuffs | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 15: “A Change of Mind” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | Methodology | The Village | Rover | Propaganda | Fisticuffs | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 16: “Hammer Into Anvil” – Synopsis | Observations | Sequence | Fisticuffs | Propaganda | Methodology | Win or Lose? | Quotes

Chapter 17: “The Girl Who Was Death” – Synopsis | Observations | Methodology | Sequence | Quotes | The Opening Credits

Chapter 18: “Once Upon a Time” – Synopsis | Observations | Titles | Methodology | Win or Lose? | The Press Conference | Quotes | The End Credits

Chapter 19: “Fall Out” – Synopsis | Observations | The President and the Assembly | Jukeboxes | Portmeirion | 6 of 1… | Revolution 1 | The Village | Ranking the Episodes | Beyond The Prisoner | Conclusion | Quotes

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